Write your data sharing plan into your grant submission. ICPSR provides template language that you can incorporate into the data sharing plan of your next grant.
Adjust your budget and consent forms to include data sharing
Contact your repository of choice as early as possible with any questions about data sharing
Make your shared data more visible by citing the dataset in publications, bibliographies, and CVs.
Provide template language and guidance for grants and the informed consent process.
Be prepared to help researchers navigate the ethical, legal, and budgetary considerations of the qualitative data sharing process.
Have a clear protocol for researchers on what institutional officials need to be involved in the data sharing process and how/when researchers should contact them.
Establish policies for responsible data sharing.
Require researchers to include a data sharing statement to address if data will be made available.
Provide links to resources for qualitative data sharing such as qdstoolkit.org.
Publish the cost of curating and depositing data with your repository. You may need to adjust your fee schedule to cover the expense of curating qualitative data.
Prepare to help researchers with concerns specific to qualitative data, such as the de-identification process and how it differs from de- identifying quantitative research data.
Provide data sharing guidelines that are specific to qualitative research.
Dedicate a chapter or book section to sharing qualitative research data
Address the regulatory and ethical considerations of data sharing, as well as the practical skills and resources needed to de-identify and share qualitative research data.